Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Should You Choose The Principal Life Insurance Company?

In 1879, the Principal Life Insurance Company was established and began trading as an insurance company, with its original name of Bankers life. Its founder was Edward Temple, and back then it began as a very small insurance company, and has become today one of the key recognized organizations in the life insurance industry, building a brand and reputation that many firms envy.

Bankers life resulted from an initial idea and concept by its founder, to produce different insurance products and services for its consumers. This resulted in the company being re-branded and reformed into the Principal Life Insurance company. When Temple set out the objectives of the organization, he established that it would have its foundations on two key principals, which would maintain its existence and positive culture in the market – these were (1) a quality benchmark for its products, and (2) an ability to have the erge to be the best company in the market.

What products do the company offer?

Since its inception, the organization has wanted to maintain a high level and standard of service through the creation, development and implementation of products and services that they offer to both current and potential customers. By concentrating on this company ethos, it has allowed the company to grow from a small firm offering a few products, to a leading organization that is seen by many others as an industry leader. They have outgrown their ‘childhood’ and have successfully implemented changes that have led to other companies being established within other sectors, such as health insurance, on the same solid ethos and foundation.

This organization doesn’t just offer its company insurance against their life, but offers a range of different insurance policies including health, dentistry, and disability – these are also available for companies and organizations to subsequently offer to their workforce. Additionally, other products are also offered to people that would potentially benefit from their cover, such as traditional indemnity plans and managed health care. As a organization, they do feel that they should be providing the best possible products and service to their customers, and therefore, assure both existing and potential customers that they will gain positive benefits from the terms and conditions of all of their products and services. This approach has resulted in many different satisfied people who have been with the organization for a long period of time. This has had an impact on the continual growth of the organization and has thus resulted in it operating in 9 states of the US.

They help you decide and make your own decision

With the Principal Life Insurance Company being the industry leader in customer service, they want to attract people who want a personal service and therefore offer free personalized quotes for everyone. Once you show interest in the company, you will find that they will go out of their way to assist you and ensure that you have all the relevant information and help that is available. They will review your personal needs and make sure that they can find a policy that is within your budget, but that will also reflect on the needs and requirements that you will have; this is all conducted in a relaxed and non-pressurized way.

If you need to contact them, they are easily available, whether you wish to do this online or off-line, and they offer free online chats or toll free numbers to talk through your own personal circumstance with an advisor; therefore, there isn’t going to be time spent searching around for a number, or time wasted being spent kept on hold or in a queue that you will experience with other similar firms.

Once you become a customer of the Principal Life Insurance Company you will kick yourself for not doing it a whole lot sooner.

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