Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Travel Medical Insurance: The Cost of Coverage

Whether you're a professional on assignment or a tourist on vacation, getting travel medical insurance is probably one item you'll want to add to your pre-departure checklist. It's a useful thing to have when you run into an emergency in a completely foreign country without any relatives or friends who can help.

The prices for short term travel medical insurance coverage vary from person to person. Even if you ask an insurance agent, he or she will just tell you that there's a formula involved. That's because insurance companies look at a set of different factors to determine how much you should be charged.

The Major Factors

The first and foremost factor that will go into the final cost of your insurance coverage is the amount of the coverage itself. The cost of coverage and the covered amount always go hand in hand; if one increases, so does the other. But just because you'll need $100,000 in coverage doesn't mean you have to expect an astronomical invoice. In fact, if you're still under 30, the costs on your side shouldn't be more than $50.

As you might've noticed already, your age also plays a role in how much you eventually get charged. Younger individuals, especially those between the ages of 20 and 30, can expect very cheap insurance rates. On the other hand, older travelers and senior citizens could expect to pay twice or even thrice the amount that younger travelers do. The rule applies to even the youngest side of the age spectrum. Traveling minors pay as little as half of what their 20-up counterparts shell out.

Of course, other factors are also involved when the insurance company eventually calculates how much you should be charged for your insurance. However, the two factors mentioned above are the biggest ones they'll look at and will probably affect the final bill the most.

Prepare to Pay

Just because you're covered by short term travel medical insurance doesn't mean that you don't have to be prepared for emergencies. Should any untoward incident occur, it's almost certain that the insurance company won't be paying for the costs immediately.

Insurance companies have something called a deductible, which is an amount that an insured individual must pay before the insurance company is obliged to pay for anything. Thus you had better have some cash on hand, just to be ready for any eventuality. While it's true that your insurance plan will most probably take care of the most significant costs, it will take some time for that assistance to reach you.

Despite its few limitations, short term travel medical insurance is an inexpensive safety net that all travelers should think about getting. When you find yourself in an emergency situation in a strange country, it's always comforting to know that your fallback financial plan is just an international phone call away.

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