Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick Homeowners Insurance Policy Facts

When you think of homeowners insurance do you think of it as only covering your home in case of a fire, or other natural disaster? While that is a big part of any homeowners insurance policy, there is a lot more to it than just that. Here's a quick Q & A on everything a homeowners insurance policy covers, and what it will mean to you in the case of a claim.

What Is Covered With A Homeowners Policy Cover?

A homeowners insurance policy is really like a multiple package policy. One part of the package is property damage insurance, which protects you from damages that occur to your home, while the second part of the package covers liability for any injuries or property damage that happens to others on your property. This can include things like your tree falling on the neighbors house, or your dog that would happen to bite someone.

A homeowners insurance policy will of course cover damages from things like fire, tornado, hail, wind, and most all other natural disasters. The only exceptions will generally be floods and earthquakes. For that type of coverage you will need to buy special coverage. That's an important point to keep this in mind if you are living in places where there is a strong chance of floods and earthquakes.

Another exception is wear and tear to the home. Most insurance companies will exclude maintenance related claims if they are caused by neglect on your part. For example: The wind blew off most of your shingles. If this happened because your shingles were already 15 years old and obviously in need of being replaced, you're not likely to have coverage for that.

A good idea to keep in mind is to always be sure you have adequate homeowners insurance coverage. Don't let yourself get caught without the coverage you need. So, if you live in an area prone to flooding, be sure you have flood insurance. Your insurance agent can easily arrange you to have coverage for this. The same applies if you live in an area that has frequent earthquakes, be sure to purchase a policy that will cover earthquake damage.

A homeowners insurance policy will also provide funds for any loss of use due to an insured disaster. This will help if you and your family need to move into another home or apartment temporarily. It can also provide for clothing and food.

What Does ACV And Replacement Cost Mean?

When you hear the term ACV, or actual cash value, it means the cost of replacing that item, minus depreciation. So, the older your furniture, clothes, appliances, etc., are, the less you will get in the event of a claim. If your TV is 10 years old and is damaged in a claim, you may get 25% of the cost of a new one. This is just an example for you to understand.

Replacement cost on the other hand means just that. It is the actual cost of replacing a covered item. There is no depreciation figured into the claim. I strongly advise everyone to be sure there homeowners insurance policy has replacement cost coverage included. It is very inexpensive and it provides for full replacement value on your home, and all of its contents.

What Is Liability Coverage?

Every homeowners insurance policy includes liability coverage to protect you from claims due to no fault of your own. This would include coverage in case one of your trees fall on the neighbors car, or your dog bites someone. Of course there are many other ways your home owners insurance liability protects you, but this gives you a good idea.

What About Renters Insurance?

If you do not own the home your living in, be sure to get renters insurance. Renters insurance provides coverage for your possessions in the event of a loss, and gives you liability coverage as well. Renters insurance policies are quite inexpensive and worth having. They also include coverage for loss of use in the event you can't stay in your home or apartment due to a catastrophe.

Hopefully you now have a better understanding on what a homeowners insurance policy covers. Be sure to spend a minute and look over your policy. You want to have to guess or find out later that you don't have coverage or when a disaster strikes. If you have questions, call your insurance agent and find out all the facts about your homeowners insurance policy.

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